
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Doctor

Went to the Doctor today. My doctor is very, very nice and shows concern for her patients. I took along a bag with me from the King Tut exhibit the first time I met her. She told me that she is Egyptian and had seen the old exhibit in Egypt many years ago. She listens, she speaks softly but clearly, makes eye contact, talks a mile a minute because she wants to educate as well as examine and diagnose, and she shakes hands and also holds your hand lightly as in support, understanding, and compassion. I would say she's a great doctor and when the receptionist(s) ask(s) who I'm there to see, I very happily and proudly speak her name. This is a change in me as I'm not one to speak up or to trust just any doctor.My cat was laying on a small cutting board on wheels that since we bought it has belonged to the cats. Now the cats have all been put to sleep because of old age and illness and we just have one left. He's 15, a former alley cat who used to sleep on the hood of my car in winter to stay warm because I came home late from night school every night around 10:00 p.m. Well there he is now living the life of Riley (feet up on the furniture) and I notice that he's been outside. He has grass, twigs and dust in his fur; he's also been rolling around on the ground. I make a point of letting him out each day because it's so hot! It's nice in the shade in the evening. It's safe to say that we're having a heatwave here.
posted by Claire


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