
Monday, August 28, 2006

One heck of a day

Gosh, what a day. among other unnerving things, my boss had a nice talk with me about my health probs. He also asked me why I was dressed up and I knew he was pulling my leg but I went for it. I said, "I always wear this." "Then what is it?" "I cut my hair." "Well, it looks very nice." "Why, Thank you!"

It doesn't look that great. He is just so nice. I wonder if he's trying to motivate me to try harder, to reach higher? He's a great person. Kind of like a Professor Henry Higgins grooming his Eliza Doolittle for bigger and better things. I hope I can stand up to the challenge.

I came. I saw. I passed out. Well good night, bambinos. I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. It's time to retreat into the horizontal position and catch some z's. My kitty is already in the zone. Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite. 'See' you in the morning light.


At 12:47 AM, Blogger legal alien said...

hi Claire ,

Its nice to have a good boss , i had a horrible boss at Mcdonals and i had to leave because he was a pain in the ass.

Have a great day. I'm leaving tommorrow.


At 5:38 AM, Blogger Claire said...

I hear ya, L.A.
I've had every kind of bad boss from here to, yeah, I have to say Pluto! I've had supervisors that were nice to others and not nice to me. I've even had unequal treatment from my parents (remember when I mentioned that I cleaned and cooked? Well, I was not rewarded more for this, quite the contrary.) I never gave up hope. There are good people in this world. It's your job to prepare yourself so that when you find them you have much in common with them! Have a great flight. Talk to you soon. Don't know the logistics but hope you find me.
Take care,



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