
Saturday, September 09, 2006

An Unexpected Check

It seems my doctor's secretary was informed by my insurance company that I had paid for visits that they had covered 100%. So my kind doctor gave me a refund check of $195. And so I went shopping today at Macy's. I should add that I haven't stepped inside a department store to do more than pay a bill in months, I mean months. It was so refreshing. Shopping, like anything else, if you let it, can so easily get in your blood and become an addiction. So, beware.

Now, the next thing is not for the squeemish, for it involves a virus that I have. With a virus, there is nothing you can do, you have to wait it out. I have something like a cold, I get sleepy and nod out, I'm dehydrated, my head hurts and on the second day I could not talk. I should drink more water. My sister says I should be seen by my doctor and stop spreading this thing around, but you should see all the people I hear about with this bug and I don't even know them! Now, they're not staying home. I stayed home the first week. I think that's enough. I've got work to do.

I am listenning to Johannes Linstead's Mediterranea. In really small letters, it says, it's the Wine Country Collection. Is this music good wine drinking music? If you ask me it is. Don't get the wrong idea now, I'm not sitting here getting drunk as I listen to this CD. Why I hardly drink one drink at social occasions. No, drink is not my downfall.

I don't think I will be going to night school this semester because of my health. I feel happy. I enjoy work. Maybe I do have a huge workload but so do other people. But I think I'm going to have to wait to see how I feel next semester. I don't really feel like I'm suffering from exhaustion or anything close, maybe dehydration and sleep deprivation, that's all. I have to modify my habits and see my doctor, again. Oops, there goes my windfall!


At 10:20 AM, Blogger legal alien said...

Hi Claire ,

I am so happy that u went shopping and that u had great time.


At 12:58 AM, Blogger Claire said...

Thanks, L.A.,

Actually, shopping is fun but can be a bad experience too when the salesperson thinks they own the store. But this time I was getting my sense of reward from within because this money no matter how small came to me from out of the blue, from the Universe, from God. I know that sounds silly but well, it's true.


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