
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I Walk The Line

I happened upon Walk The Line on HBO this weekend. Powerful, charmer of a movie. I recall seeing Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash walking through an airport one busy summer day. Johnny Cash looked a little shakey (it happened that he had a disease of the nervous system). They made their way through the crowd like real troopers. My heart went out to them. They looked pretty good, yet I thought to myself, "they can't keep going much longer." But, I didn't know how true my impressions were. They died in 2003, not much later than when I saw them.

The movie, much like the personal meeting was transforming, and very affecting. I only hope that I wasn't part of the demoralizing process that fans leave with their idols when I met the great performers and song writers, June and Johnny Cash. My friend was such a jerk, claiming he was a distant relation, what a crock I should have stepped in and said, please excuse my friend, here. He's crazy. In the movie, Johnny Cash said that June Carter had written Ring of Fire, which she co-wrote with Merle Kilgore. It was about her unrequited love for Johnny Cash but he divorced and married June Carter.


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