
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I go cold turkey

I tried to reach my doctor who prescribed this hideous pill to me and couldn't. First, it was my fault, I couldn't figure out the choice from all the choices on the menu/phone tree and I didn't want to bother him on the weekend. I just wanted a call-back with an ok to stop taking the pills. Then it was Monday and the secretary had a recording on her line that said she was on vacation and he didn't have anything but the usual recording on his line so I left a message.

He didn't return the message so he must either be really busy, on vacation, didn't get the message, or will call later. But I figured I couldn't wait so I didn't take my night-time dosage of this tormentor. Here it is 1:00 a.m. I woke up feeling so much better! There is still a little pressure around the eyes, I think that's from my sinuses and a headache. On top of everything, I may also be allergic to this medication because the whole time I was taking it my nose was stopped up and now I can breathe again.

Oh well, one man's medicine is another man's poison.



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