
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Gold

OK, so tonight's the big night and today a whole lot of women in Hollywood aren't eating so they look their skinny best in their designer dress and fans wait to get a glimpse of their idols. It is nerve-wracking because everything must come together at the zero hour, ensembles, meals, red carpet, everything, and we know that not all the limos will be able to get through traffic on time. So, basically everyone's stressed while dressed to the nines. Now, who do I think will win? This year, I don't find that question so interesting. The front-runners are due something for a body of work and there are some interesting omissions like Brad Pitt for Best Actor. I think Jennifer Hudson is a nice girl but to win an Oscar? No. Also, how can Eddie Murphy be up there too, on that stage with Helen Mirren? He is just playing himself. Although, the Black community finally has entered into this race in the last few years and more power to them! At any rate, I like to see people get recognition for their work, whomever is chosen. And I feel that the nominated are all winners because they are usually the cream of the crop. Too bad there is only one winner in each category. It's a glamour parade. Hooray! As a media lap dog I'll be watching even if I miss my favorite shows on TV tonight.



At 5:48 PM, Blogger Mad Cabbie said...

I am glad that Forest Whitaker took it home, I think he and Laurence Fishburne are the best black actors out there in my book.

At 11:26 PM, Blogger Claire said...

Amen to that, Mad Cabbie. Just think, Forest Whitaker was a high school football star in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I loved his acceptance speech about watching movies at the drive-in with his family, that was very inspirational and kind of a tear-tugger. Do you like Samuel L. Jackson? I like him as well as Laurence Fishburne.

At 10:24 PM, Blogger legal alien said...

I didnt like the Oscars this year , Ellen wasnt the best host that can MC this event, I cant remember any phrase or joke said by her... I just loved her silk tux Pjs.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Eryn said...

Morgan Freeman is my favorite black actor. He's so composed and mysterious. He and Kevin Spacey are my two all-time favorite actors if you don't count the ones that I like b/c they are eye-candy. Edward Norton is another great actor (+ eye-candy).

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Claire said...

Ellen did say that Jennifer Hudson on American Idol noone voted for her and Al Gore, all of America voted for him and here they both are. That's wierd. Something like that. (lol)
I agree. Morgan Freeman is great, he's cool, classy, and funny. Ed Norton is great too, in Fight Club, etc. Kevin Spacey was so good in American Beauty and the Usual Suspects.


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