
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Religion or Rule by the Righteous

I don't roll with the idea that people's afflictions and suffering or difficulties are a retribution for their sins. Do you think that someone gets MS because they are sexually sinful? How about AIDS? What about a child born with a harelip, is that because he or his parents are vain? Is mental illness or retardation a punishment?

Although I do not believe in these arrogant assumptions, or superstitions, I do believe that what goes around comes around. But, I think of this in a positive way. If you are generous of spirit then the Universe will pay you back in some good way. If you help someone, don't expect them to pay you back necessarily. The reward will come from a different direction, or a different person. In other words you make your own luck. And you can create goodness in the world.

Sometimes people who do evil do not suffer for it. That is because temptation is a mighty strong pull. We want to cheat in life in order to get ahead. We are tempted to be ruthless, too. That's a lesson in life. Play it straight and life will be easier if not more blessed with earthly rewards. Goodness is its own reward. Teach love and abundance.

I don't believe in organized religion because it twists simple truths around and plays upon guilt and fears that we all have. I do believe that in one way or another, we are all praying to the same God. I don't believe in righteousness whether it comes from the preacher in the pulpit or the businessman laughing with a fat belly, or the man with a gun.

As Dr. Deepak Chopra said on the Colbert Report, it is no longer the survival of the fittest but the survival of the wisest. Don't live like a retard, spread your wings and fly. Live unafraid. Peace.



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