
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Saddam Hussein execution BIG MISTAKE!

I quote from the msn website, "Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, sentenced to death for his role in 148 killings in 1982, will have his sentence carried out by Sunday, NBC News reported Thursday. According to a U.S. military officer who spoke on condition of anonymity, Saddam will be hanged before the start of the Eid religious holiday, which begins at sundown Saturday.
The hanging could take place as early as Friday, NBC’s Richard Engel reported. "

Hussein was a ruthless leader but a leader who could hold the country together, even if out of fear, mostly. The thing is the Saudis and others are more brutal in their violation of human rights and should have been the ones we challenged if you're going to do the right thing.

Another reason I believe Hussein should not be executed is that violence is escalating now not winding down. And in addition, if you're going to count the number of people one leader is resposible for killing, please forgive me as a person who is non-violent, George W. Bush should be hanging right along side of Husseim.

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