
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

War Protest Part Deux

In my rebuttle I wrote the following. Please forgive me for not including the other person's argument, I don't know if I can republish it without that person's approval. I just thought you could get the gist of it from my rebuttle remarks.
This is what I wrote:
"Thanks Ted, for your reply. I admit my post was pretty negative and you said it well, we totally disagree. I don't mean to debate but we are funneling money out of our military, out of our economy, and out of programs which could help people at home and elsewhere in the world with better results. Some examples are our schools, our poor, our old folks and our Veterans, Hurricane Katrina victims, Rwanda, Kosovo, Darfur, Tibet, people who have called out for our help. A lot of what I said was misunderstood. I do worry about that Marine Private, and his Sailor counterpart, etc. I don't believe that we need to be in Iraq but the mess we've made can only be righted by a careful timeline for turning over the government to its people. In many ways I think that I agree with you. I honestly wonder what is best for Our Troops and our relations in the world as public opinion turns against us. I just thought that I would voice a different opinion in hopes of a better outcome in the future. Thanks again for letting me have my say. No need to feel sorry for being harsh. I can take it--with a grain of salt.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

War Protest

I'm writing this in a friend's blog but I don't expect them to agree or even allow me to post, once they read this. That is why I'm posting the same thing in my blog. This is what I wrote,
"I know you're not going to like this but this is what I struggle with on the homefront... I want to support the troops but I can't embrace the present U.S. policies. Your blog is Wonderfully heart-warming. Well said. Hints at so much suffering through one man's plight. The Iraqi people don't want to be invaded or occupied, no one does. And what about the future safety and well-being of the American-sympathizers like Hadi when the U.S. troops withdraw? War, whether for a good cause or a foolish, misguided one, is always messy and despite the cultural exchanges always leaves behind casualties of war. I see our "Wounded Warriors" (official term) fitted with legs of titanium, hobbling away as a chorus sings much too loudly over microphones too shrill to be pleasant in the hospital courtyard. Stateside, many of us don't have Lazy-Boy recliners or haven't you heard what this war has done to our economy? We now have familiar terms such as PTSD and TBI meaning Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. And we're now the wiser, there were no weapons of mass destruction!
I'm watching "John Adams" on TV, very inspiring and just what America should be. How did we get here from there (the War of Independence)?Peace Claire

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