
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Who gave Daniel Smith the drugs that killed him?

Pathologist Cyril Wecht, hired by the Smith family to investigate the death of Daniel Smith, said the 20-year-old died of an accidental but fatal interaction of three drugs: anti-depressants Lexipro and Zoloft, and methadone, a painkiller used mostly to treat heroin addiction.
In an interview with Reuters, Wecht said Anna Nicole Smith did not know her son was taking methadone and had no knowledge of any heroin use by him. But isn’t that hearsay unless Wecht gave her a lie-detector test?
"This is one of the mysteries remaining in this case -- why he was taking methadone. It could have been as a painkiller. It is a legitimate drug for that use. His family is shocked. ... I am told that Mrs. Smith was completely in the dark about Daniel taking it," he said.
Wecht was hired to find out what killed Daniel Smith while he was visiting his mother on September 10 in her hospital room in Nassau in the Bahamas shortly after she had given birth to a daughter.
Of the three drugs found in Daniel Smith's body, only Lexipro had been prescribed.
Wecht said he had not been told where Daniel Smith had gotten the drugs found in his body.
"There is now no reason to go ahead with the inquest because there is nothing to suggest foul play. But that would be up to a magistrate in the Bahamas to decide," Wecht said.
I think someone needs to explain who gave the non-prescribed drugs to Daniel. A doctor on Entertainment Tonight said that Daniel was suffering from back pain but that although methadone is used as a painkiller, usually, something not as strong (or as addicting) is used, such as vicodin.
If indeed Anna Nicole Smith and Howard K. Stern married this morning it seems very suspicious to me. Husband and wife can be legally protected from testifying in court to incriminate each other. I think there’s still a lot of questions unanswered. All in all, Daniel Smith led a short, tragic life with an untimely end.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Daniel Smith: Awaiting toxicology test results

The death of Anna Nicole Smith's son was not a suicide or homicide. That's what officials in the Bahamas are saying. And, with toxicology tests pending, the actual cause of Daniel Smith's death might not be publicly known until a jury inquest. That starts October 23rd. The private pathologist who did a second autopsy told Larry King on CNN "It is possible we might be dealing with one of those tragic and cumulative and drug-related deaths where somebody inadvertently takes two or three different kinds of drugs, each of which has a central nervous system effect."
(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press.)

Still thinking about this death. Perhaps he had an undetected heart problem. It could be a combination of things. It is very sad.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The New Line

DJ spinning for burning hearts
Lights go down as eyes dart
To those who walk
The catwalk.
Theatre-quality sound
Envelopes and surrounds
The hungry crowd
The models’ nerves
Are taut rubber bands.
"Act-- says the designer,
Like you’re going Somewhere!"
This is like his first show.
He’s thrown himself
Into it whole soul, hands, and head,
Bolts of fabric, miles of thread
Fashionistas, press, buyers, celebrities
Cross their legs and knot their knees
Pulsing rhythms finally cease.
He comes out dancing and popping fists
Blowing kisses to the applause.
Waving, bowing, smiling.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

What Killed Anna Nicole Smith's Son?

First, I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy. The police or coronor's in Nassau, Bahamas are calling it a "suspicious" death but it is claimed by a spokesperson, I think it was Anna Nicole's lawyer, Howard Stern that drugs and alcohol were not involved.

I think that sadly, the truth will not be known in the case of Daniel Wayne Smith's death on Sunday, Sept. 10, 2006, because the truth is too costly. It is my opinion only, not a fact or something known through any other sense than my horse sense which tells me that this 20-year-old young man if he was healthy may have suffered "ill health effects" as the disclaimer says on the bottle, or a massive heart attack as you might say from use of the additive ephedra, an ingredient in Trimspa or something like that. It is reported that Anna Nicole yelled at her lawyer, "It's all your fault!"

Daniel Smith appeared in several installments of Anna Nicole's reality show on the E! Entertainment channel and seemed to be a normal, good kid who was a straight-A student and the apple of his mother's eye. He was the only one around her that had a real relationship with her. Everyone else was a paid employee or business acquaintance. This is a very tragic loss. I wish to express my sympathy.

Friday, September 15, 2006

In Style: white hair

Ever think about how many top designers now have white hair? Some having had it for many years and looking very distinguished, if I may say. There is Gianfranco Ferre, Ralph Lauren, Giorgio Armani, Karl Lagerfeld, and Oscar de la Renta, to name a few while Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein are gray around the temples. I remember these great and very talented men from watching Style with Elsa Klensch on CNN many weekend mornings past!

This brings me to, who is Elsa Klensch?
As producer and host of Style with Elsa Klensch, CNN's groundbreaking fashion and design program, Elsa Klensch's straightforward reporting and her reputation for integrity won her millions of viewers around the world. Klensch is an opinion-maker in the worlds of fashion and design; her activities are reported on by USA Today, People, Women's Wear Daily, The New York Times, and "Page Six." Style with Elsa Klensch videotapes are part of the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute.
A New Yorker profile of Klensch said that she "created the gold standard for television fashion journalism." She has been elected to the International Best-Dressed List Hall of Fame. Klensch's first book was Style, a profusely illustrated compendium of fashion tips and tricks.
Klensch served as a senior fashion editor at Women's Wear Daily, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar before applying her international fashion expertise to television.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

House of Boateng

I've been watching a several part documentary on legendary designer, Ozwald Boateng and I only know a little bit about him so far. He is trying to start up some stores in America. He is already a sensation in the UK and has men's clothing stores in many countries around the world.

The show airs on the Sundance channel and is very interesting. Boateng himself is an interesting person. As a designer, he chooses slim cuts and bright colors. Some of the people he has dressed for the Oscars are Will Smith (he was the first), Daniel Day Lewis, Jude Law, Jamie Foxx. On the show he is seen trying to call management for Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, both nominated for Brokeback Mountain in 2006. He also hopes to dress Don Cheadle for future Oscars and will see. Celebrities are very important in the fashion world because they have such influence on fashion trends and because so much exposure, I guess. Jude Law wore Boateng's creations in Alfie. I really like Boateng's style!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I go cold turkey

I tried to reach my doctor who prescribed this hideous pill to me and couldn't. First, it was my fault, I couldn't figure out the choice from all the choices on the menu/phone tree and I didn't want to bother him on the weekend. I just wanted a call-back with an ok to stop taking the pills. Then it was Monday and the secretary had a recording on her line that said she was on vacation and he didn't have anything but the usual recording on his line so I left a message.

He didn't return the message so he must either be really busy, on vacation, didn't get the message, or will call later. But I figured I couldn't wait so I didn't take my night-time dosage of this tormentor. Here it is 1:00 a.m. I woke up feeling so much better! There is still a little pressure around the eyes, I think that's from my sinuses and a headache. On top of everything, I may also be allergic to this medication because the whole time I was taking it my nose was stopped up and now I can breathe again.

Oh well, one man's medicine is another man's poison.


Monday, September 11, 2006

This Cold That I've Had Reveals Itself

Well, all the symptoms of being tired, dizzy and having nausea etc. are side effects from my new medication, topamax. I don't know what's worse the disease or the cure!?! At least I know what's going on. I'm not so sure this is the miracle cure my doctor thinks it is. And now I know why he delayed in prescribing it; it's no party.

Oh gosh, and I've got so much work coming up! And other side effects are fogginess, increased body temperature, sleepiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating! How am I supposed to work under those conditions? How much of a chance should I give this? I don't know. My doctor said that most of the side effects will go away after awhile. Well, that's one good thing. Oh, and my sense of taste changed. It's really wierd. Sodas taste terrible to me. I guess that's a good thing...

It's not just over-work, it's this silly pill. How many people do we meet up with in life that for one reason or another (a broken heart, a twisted body, aches and pains, hunger, worry) just don't feel very well and we ask them how they're doing without much care. My suggestion is to offer a kinder smile and to extend to them more of your patience when they don't give the right response because, like me they may not feel so well.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

An Unexpected Check

It seems my doctor's secretary was informed by my insurance company that I had paid for visits that they had covered 100%. So my kind doctor gave me a refund check of $195. And so I went shopping today at Macy's. I should add that I haven't stepped inside a department store to do more than pay a bill in months, I mean months. It was so refreshing. Shopping, like anything else, if you let it, can so easily get in your blood and become an addiction. So, beware.

Now, the next thing is not for the squeemish, for it involves a virus that I have. With a virus, there is nothing you can do, you have to wait it out. I have something like a cold, I get sleepy and nod out, I'm dehydrated, my head hurts and on the second day I could not talk. I should drink more water. My sister says I should be seen by my doctor and stop spreading this thing around, but you should see all the people I hear about with this bug and I don't even know them! Now, they're not staying home. I stayed home the first week. I think that's enough. I've got work to do.

I am listenning to Johannes Linstead's Mediterranea. In really small letters, it says, it's the Wine Country Collection. Is this music good wine drinking music? If you ask me it is. Don't get the wrong idea now, I'm not sitting here getting drunk as I listen to this CD. Why I hardly drink one drink at social occasions. No, drink is not my downfall.

I don't think I will be going to night school this semester because of my health. I feel happy. I enjoy work. Maybe I do have a huge workload but so do other people. But I think I'm going to have to wait to see how I feel next semester. I don't really feel like I'm suffering from exhaustion or anything close, maybe dehydration and sleep deprivation, that's all. I have to modify my habits and see my doctor, again. Oops, there goes my windfall!

Friday, September 08, 2006

My Day Off

First of all, I went into work for a staff meeting. R made me a cafe latte which was fantastic from her espresso machine. Her many abilities amaze me. MC made two cakes and brought soda, coffee, and juice to the meeting for everyone! She is great!

I had given W a get well card and a patrotic pen. She was pleased as punch with both and sent me an e-mail to tell me about her procedure since I also have back pain and it may help me too.

My e-mail is so full I'm afraid it's going to crash any minute. Oh dear. I was tempted to stay and work but then I thought I would never shake this cold if I don't get some sun and fresh air and some rest.

At 1:00 I called my boss to explain about a situation that got by me that I should have caught but didn't. He asked, so, you were thinking about this all this time? Yes. I trust you. Now, is it beautiful outside? Yes. So, why dont you go outside and do something nice? OK

I bought my mother a one cup coffee maker. And I got gas for my car. It was $2.83
I went to Macy's Department store. I hope everybody gets what they wanted. I think I'm going to take off my make-up and go to sleep early, too late for that! Good night all!


Sunday, September 03, 2006

He gives her reason to live

I have a good friend who is living with a guy who is abusive to her and no one knows about it. I know she's headed for a fall. In fact, she's already taken a fall and got a fat lip and two black eyes from it so she had to call in sick to work. Another time, before he moved in, he came over in the middle of the night drunk and he took off his belt and started whipping her with it. She is a tiny little thing. That should have raised a red flag. But she loves him. She protests that she doesn't but she would do anything for him, anythng. She explains that he's gay and that she understands that.

I know him too. And I tell her that I can understand why she likes him, he's charming, funny, sweet, entertaining, thoughtful, interesting, etc., etc. But, when he's drunk, he's a different person. And when they are alone he takes advantage of her low self-esteem, something other people are not even aware of. Now, it's her place, and without even asking he changed the lock on the door to his bedroom. She's wondering what he's thinking. I said, well it isn't his place, he should ask first.

I am afraid of what could happen to her if this continues. I think I need another serious talk with her but what do I say? I know he gives her reason to live because I was married to a guy who was crazy and abusive and it took me two years to get out of that marriage because he gave me reason to live... I wouldn't go through it again but inbetween being a monster he was an absolute angel, some of you may know what I mean.