
Friday, December 29, 2006

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

As we take our leave of the year 2006, I have some time, not much, to reflect on the hard work of this year, With gratitude for my luck in life, if not good fortune, I feel as if the Universe has, nonetheless, smiled upon me. Thus, I go forward to the next year with renewed hope and faith that great things are in store in 2007!

Resolutions for 2007:

1. Take computer class
2. Take vitamins
3. Eat healthier and watch my diet
4. Get more sleep
5. Get out more (I know, it contradicts #4)
6. Wear more makeup, yes, that's right, but put on expertly
7. Get a raise
8. Show more humor and compassion
9. Live more mindfully
10. Practice my Spanish by watching TV shows in Spanish
11. Leave the errors of the past in the past and not carry the guilt with me

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Saddam Hussein execution BIG MISTAKE!

I quote from the msn website, "Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, sentenced to death for his role in 148 killings in 1982, will have his sentence carried out by Sunday, NBC News reported Thursday. According to a U.S. military officer who spoke on condition of anonymity, Saddam will be hanged before the start of the Eid religious holiday, which begins at sundown Saturday.
The hanging could take place as early as Friday, NBC’s Richard Engel reported. "

Hussein was a ruthless leader but a leader who could hold the country together, even if out of fear, mostly. The thing is the Saudis and others are more brutal in their violation of human rights and should have been the ones we challenged if you're going to do the right thing.

Another reason I believe Hussein should not be executed is that violence is escalating now not winding down. And in addition, if you're going to count the number of people one leader is resposible for killing, please forgive me as a person who is non-violent, George W. Bush should be hanging right along side of Husseim.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It's All Gone Pete Tong!

I saw a brilliant comedic/dramatic actor, Paul Kaye, starring in "It's All Gone Pete Tong!" I like the way he throws himself headlong into this role and prevents it from being a mere tear-jerker by keeping up an undercurrent of dark comedy as the DJ who faces deafness and the end to a wildly successful career. I liked the way he danced and could tell he was into the music (great music, BTW, which enhanced the plot remarkably) and the character. Based on a true story, the story of the fictitious Frankie Wilde had me believing in the man and his courageous fight. I really got lost in his story. I also enjoyed the chemistry between Frankie and the young deaf woman who tries to help him when it all falls apart. Beatriz Batarda is exceptional as Franke’s lip reading teacher Penelope. The title of this film is Cockney rhyming slang for "everything's gone wrong"; Pete Tong is a renowned British DJ who I think makes a cameo appearance in this movie. Paul Kaye is a British comedian who for awhile interviewed celebrities with sometimes absurd or embarrassing questions and many think he paved the way for "Ali G," Sasha Baron Cohen. This movie is currently playing on the Sundance Channel. Forgot to mention his piercingly deep, blue eyes. Husband and father of two he plans to be a stay-at-home dad for awhile and write.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Breakfast Anyone?

Last night, I went grocery shopping while hungry, not a good idea. I was in the store for almost two hours and a few times I thought I was being watched by security as I kept going back to the same aisle, for instance, trying to find sugar-free, Pistachio instant pudding or fresh pommegranates. I was very creative and bought a lot of diet food like fresh vegetables and fruit, now that I'm home for a week or so to cook. I tried but couldn't find any barley for making soup from scratch. I did find a Czech beer on sale, Pilsner Urquell; I hit the jackpot. Nothing like cooking with spirits to inspire you. Or just plain, sitting back with a good beer. I spent $183.00!!!! All I can say is that it better last a long time, my kitchen and refrigerator are stuffed to the gills! LOL!

What is your favorite breakfast? I even have croissants, cage-free eggs, cereal, juice....

From the kitchen, Peace and Hugs,


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Arrested Development

For Christmas this year my son already gave me/us my/our Christmas present. And I love it, Season One of "Arrested Development" on DVD. I have been laughing my ass off, LOL. "Arrested Development" was one of the best sitcoms on TV. Too bad that Fox pulled the plug, but then, Fox has cancelled a lot of great shows. My son and I agree that we even like this comedy show better than "The Office," which is a present hit on TV (not on the Fox network).
Arrested deals with a rich family that has just lost everything and one of the sons, Michael (Jason Bateman) has to hold it all together. I find the dysfunction in this family so hilarious as well as the fact that you can't tell what's going to happen next. There are a lot of surprises. It also reminds me of my own dysfuncional family, with humble affection. I guess that's what's got me laughing out loud. I'm really praising this show without many specifics, but it's hard to focus when it's all good. It may not be for everyone, but I know we all have our favorite shows. Think of your favorites and you will understand. That's what I'm talkin' about.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

10 Things That Start with B

The Letter Game--

Here's how to play: Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your blog, and give out some letters of your own.

Hey Mad Cabbie in DC, so you've given me the letter B to come up with 10 of my favorite things that start with B, so here goes:

1. B as in Bed. Once when living in a rooming house with a bunch of young working girls (oops, the other kind, you know, clerks, receptionists, cashiers, and telephone operators), one night N said to a group of us sharing drinks that there's a story about the bed. In the old days, babies were born in bed with the help of a midwife. We sleep in bed, oh glorious sleep, when you can get some. Talk about gettin' some, uh-hum, that's where the ultimate pleasures are exchanged, if you get my drift. Some sit and talk on the phone, get breakfast in bed, read, get ideas, and write in bed. And hopefully, die peacefully in their sleep in bed.

2. B as in Buns. Hot Buns, that is, the kind you see on cool guys from Brad Pitt or John Legend to Morgan Freeman, they (buns) are especially hot in nice fitting jeans. Whew-hoo!!!

3. B as in Balls. I mean both kinds, first the kind that men have, thank God for men, they are such marvelous, noble creatures! (Sigh!) Second, it takes real balls to find your way in the world and do a decent job of it considering the obstacles you face. Success is not measured by what you achieve but by what you have to overcome to get there. Balls is another word for courage and courage is very sexy not to mention inspiring!

4. B as in Bread. Yes, as in feed the world... for a start. And bread as in money, which is oh so nice to have just enough of. But I think no one has just enough. I wonder who thinks more about money, the rich or the poor? I would think it is the rich and they thus can't relax and enjoy life. So sad.

5. B as in Being. Just being is the greatest gift, the gift of life and thus all there is out there and inside the self to be thankful for. Suicidal at the murder of his father, Shakespeare's Hamlet argues with himself with the words, "To be, or not to be." I want to yell, "Be! Sleep on it and you'll realize it's all too beautiful, so don't do anything rash! To be is awesome!!!!!!

6. B as in Books. Books, magazines, newspapers, or the Internet are so inviting, whatever kind is your favorite. Reading a little bit keeps the mind young and vibrant and keeps the light aglow in your eyes. So, feed that twinkle in your eyes and read something! Have fun!

7. B as in Babe. Thanks, Cabbie, for calling me Babe, and, right back at ya, Babe!!! ;D I see Babe as a term of endearment. I like being referred to as Babe every bit as much as being called Ma'am. It's all good. Many a pleasant time has been accompanied by that word, Babe!!! I mean in the good sense.

8. B as in Belong. I love the idea of belonging somewhere or among a group of friends. Sometimes that's a hard one as life is always changing and people come and go. You have to stay centered and seek out the people who are positive and are there for you. I've had a few rude awakenings in life, when I felt cut-off but I soon found a new path, and new friends. Keep working at it, belonging is always a work in progress.

9. B as in Boca. Cabbie, I have to agree with you--boca means mouth in Spanish--a nice smile makes a great impression. Also the mouth can be used to form words that bring peace among people instead of conflict and strife. Remember, Jesus said something like this is my temple, you must defend it from defilement. This to some, means to stand up and speak up for yourself when you are being insulted, but do it in a humorous or tactful way. If that does not work and they don't pay attention to la boca, then remove your bod. I can't help but open my big mouth about what is going on in Darfur, in Africa, right now and the government of the US and A is too busy destroying the country of Iraq to be able to afford an intervention in Darfur. There, I've said it. Read my lips, President Bush and Congress!

10. B as in "Skin and Bones," by the Foo Fighters. Furthermore, I like smooth skin and nice bone structure. Hope that doesn't come off as too superficial.

That's my short list. I'm sure there are some great ones that I missed. =)

Peace and Hugs,



Saturday, December 16, 2006


The weather usually upsets me as it does my cat. So, I turned off the TV and put on a CD. Kitty is crying, he's so scared. It's coming down pretty hard. I wonder if the roof will give way. I try to talk to him and call him to come in my bedroom where it is peaceful. He finally comes and the rain stops for now. So, we listen to the music together. My cat is such a sweetheart!

I want to write about what it's like to have a constant craving. I have an obsessive personality at times and it now seems that the pain in my back is testing my ability to carry on. Sometimes I go to the pills when I can't take it anymore but usually I fight the urge. I'm not an alcoholic either but sometimes the world looks a lot more upbeat after I've had a drink. I'm not supposed to be drinking at all. How can I stop altogether? I asked my doctor and he said, "You just make your mind up to." Well, my mind is in such upheaval at times that that's not such an easy proposition. I have been in so many auto accidents and once I was a pedestrian and I was hit so hard I flew through the air quite a few yards and landed on the ground. I remember the Lookie-Lous who gathered 'round, their faces and movements were animalistic, like a herd of wild beasts for want of a better way to put it. I do remember a man came and put a blanket over me so I wouldn't go into shock. I thought he was so kind and so smart to do that but the chaos of the situation prevented me from thanking him. Or maybe I managed to do so and can't remember all the details now. Life takes it's toll. We venture on.

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Being back from my vacation

Took a short trip to visit with my Mom. It was nice although she was feeling sick and in the mood for a pity party, which I was not prepared to indulge. Every time she mentioned her ills I gave her sympathy but then went onto other subjects. Needless to say, our visit was mercifully short. I love my Mom but I have suffered too much at her hands. That is as far as I can go with that.

Upon our return, my son and I had to clean the house for the termite annual inspection. We have a contract with the company. Anyway, we managed to get the house looking decent but lived in, shall we say? Mail had piled up and so forth. Well, we passed the inspection and the guy, a really nice guy even asked me to call him when I get ready to sell the house.

Then noticing that I was single, said good-naturedly, "You need to get out more." As if! I wonder why some people see a woman alone and assume that she needs to be with a man. I know that men are good at fixing things and protecting. But what if being on her own is a conscious decision that a woman makes because she's just not looking for trouble? I'm not a bossy lady so I can't boss people around, that may be one of the problems. You see, I believe that women do the hunting and just make men believe it's all their idea.

Anyway, coming home is a refuge not a battleground and that's how I like it, on my own terms and on my own. Alone, not lonely.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Tonight, I finally had the privilege and sheer enjoyment of seeing Brokeback Mountain. I had heard that it was really good but I never expected anything so beautiful. I wish I could write a story like that. And Ang Lee did such a fantastic job of directing, not to mention the actors. Many images are memorable including one of Ennis del Mar (Heath Ledger) on the fourth of July with fireworks going off in the night sky behind him as he stands up tall after a confrontation with a couple of foul-mouth thugs.

I resisted chances to see the movie because of the subject matter and I somehow felt that it would turn out badly. Even so, I never saw how things would turn out and I didn't even realize how the movie won me over as I watched.

At the same time that it is a love story and talks about the right of two people to love, it also talks about the violence and hatefulness of men. It is a powerful juxtaposition.

We still have violence and prejudice. How far have we come after all?


Saturday, December 02, 2006


Today, once again it hounded me that I misplaced some very valuable photographs of my family, especially of my parents and myself. I looked several places with no luck. The pictures of me are a reminder of how cute I looked and at the time did not realize it. I mean I went about my business while doing all the girlie things, curling my hair and applying make-up, exercising but I was not aware. And now those images that my mom sent me could be gone for good. I wish that certain keepsakes were not vulnerable to loss and destruction.

Then I thought of people who've lost everything in a war, a hurricane, a flood, or a fire. How devastating that must be! My God.

Tom Waits was on the Daily Show recently and he sang a song about how we're all praying to the same God, so how does He decide whose prayer to answer?

Peace on Earth,


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