
Saturday, January 27, 2007

He Seeks Velocity (For Dave)

He seeks velocity
And what's another word for chaos?
There's nothing wrong with that except
That he comes from disarray
And he must experience intensity
In order to feel a sense of closeness.
But, intensity should not be mistaken for
Intimacy. They're two different things.
The last time I saw him at the pub
He looked lost.
I was sending him home in a cab
And he felt far from his feelings.
He asked a question that seemed ironic, "You alright?"

In Memory of Cubby

I wanna keep
Your thoughtful ways
Like the recliner left to us by
The guys next door.
Immediately one of the kittens got lost
Inside and we had to tip it and reach in and
Find him like birthing a calf
I can hardly bear the vision
Of him 10 years later lying lifeless on the
Exam table with a crimson flower at his side
Picked from the doctor's garden.


Friday, January 19, 2007

Travel as near as possible

Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows--Henry David Thoreau
Do I travel on the inside of the current far from land
As the trends like waves exchange silver
In a million handshakes from hand to hand?
Should I change with each new curl
Or crawl below, crossing over rocks and swirls and
Sliding sands like the lobster, or the crab?
If one knew his purpose would he travel with a lighter heart
When it's not a matter of strong or smart?

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

I get an import CD - ecstacy

I make an addition to my music collection, always a happy event. Does anyone agree that Imports are usually worth the price since they are far superior to the usual run of the mill recordings? This CD is AMAZING, YEAH!!!!!!!! Try an import, it's like the difference between domestic and imported beer. Wine is different, because when they have a bad year in France they ship over vines from the US and vice versa so you can no longer say that imported wines are better than domestic, across the board. This music is kickass, I am having such a good time listening to it. Here's to your favorite music. Oh, an please read the bulletin about Snow Patrol making top album of the year on itunes. And of course, the amazing Pete Tong's bulletin. Over in Europe and in other countries electronic dance music is so big you would not believe!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I Didn't Forget the Homeless

Mad DC Cabbie always says "don't forget the homeless," so today when I saw a homeless man outside Burger King I decided to say, yes. He asked me for some spare change to catch the bus but he had a shopping cart, those aren't allowed on the bus. So I said, "I'll buy you something to eat but I won't give you any money because you'll just run off and go get something to drink with it." He nods and says, "okay, you mean it?" "yeah, I says, what do you want? "Oh, anything." So I go in and buy him a meal and I bring the cup outside while I'm waiting for the rest of the order, "What do you want to drink?" "Oh, anything." says he. I say to come in and get your drink. I turn around with his meal and find that he has poured coffee into the softdrink cup and he says to me, "I just love to drink coffee." I said "you should have told me so I could order you a coffee cup." Then he starts to talk to me a mixture of lies and delusions. Then I say good-bye and I hope he can make it to the VA. It was 3:30 p.m. and he said the bus ride was two hours so he'd never make it but I said I hoped he did. He thanked me for the 10th time and I said, "It's no big deal." He smelled like an alcoholic and he talked of not eating and of his ulcer, well you can't drink coffee with an ulcer. It hits like acid indigestion. But I didn't correct him on any of those points. I went to my car and as I was sitting there starting it up I saw through the front door of the restaurant that he was throwing the food away. My son said that the guy had alcoholism real bad and would be dead in eight months. I felt like I'd wasted my money but not the attention that I gave this man. I'm sure the people in the restaurant didn't know what I was up to until I left but that didn't matter, I'd tried to be nice. It just wasn't the right way to go about it. They say not to give money to panhandlers, to instead give the money to organizations that work with them to rehabilitate, shelter, and feed them. There's the reason why.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

My Blog

My blog is pretty lame mainly because I don't have pictures or music, except for my wishlist on my profile, which has Richard Ashcroft singing Bittersweet Symphony at Live 8 with Coldplay. I think it's a kickass song. I don't have any pictures or games or other features, just my blog.

I went on My Space and was browsing and found a lot of gay men, which was discouraging since I'm a straight woman. I don't mind being friends with gay men but I've had enough friends who are gay in my normal life and it basically doesn't go anywhere.

I find that men are like parking spots; the best ones are taken and the rest are handicapped.
[just a small joke] I still believe there are some good, single men out there.
My Space calls it browsing but it feels like cruising. I'm not good at that game. I tire easily of sampling bits and pieces from each space and getting confused and nowhere. I discovered that some people try to collect as many friends for their space as they can to validate themselves. I can understand why models and DJs do it to get known. But regular people putting all their efforts into recruiting friends is not as important to me as just posting thoughts and sharing ideas. I did, however, find Tyra Banks and DJ Pete Tong. That was kind of a thrill. But I also got some requests to be friends from porn sites, not what I'm after.

What is up with girls peeking up from a corner of their picture? What does that say about their personality? Is it that they themselves are taking the picture? If so, that's a good trick--Kudos!
Guys like to pose beside a motorcycle or a car. That is way cool, unless the car is a piece of crap. Sometimes two or three girls will pose together and the name of one is given, is that a riddle where you're supposed to guess which one or does that say they are best friends or holding her up?

It seems like it is all for fun. I went on one space that was playing Social Distortion and that was pretty cool. I like the spaces for bands, they have songs you can download and listen to, very nice.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

War of Words

I am so enjoying this feud between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell. I think the Donald is definitely winning, except when Rosie flung her bangs over to the side in an imitation of Trump's comb-over. That was harsh, but funny. Talk about speaking your mind... Trump doesn't mince any words. But now the latest twist is that not only did he insult Rosie by calling her pushy, degenerate, a slob, and (oh yes, girlfriend, he did) fat, he has, in the process, alienated those who are obese.

The funny thing to me is that The Donald can sit there with a straight face, a designer suit, and that soft strawberry blond fluffy and elaborate hairstyle and hurl these horrible insults. True, he feels justified that a bully should be challenged, so to speak, and that's what he feels he is doing but is he going overboard?

Are they acting like teenagers or does a person have the right to verbally defend him or herself when attacked? At any rate it's great entertainment. lol

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Religion or Rule by the Righteous

I don't roll with the idea that people's afflictions and suffering or difficulties are a retribution for their sins. Do you think that someone gets MS because they are sexually sinful? How about AIDS? What about a child born with a harelip, is that because he or his parents are vain? Is mental illness or retardation a punishment?

Although I do not believe in these arrogant assumptions, or superstitions, I do believe that what goes around comes around. But, I think of this in a positive way. If you are generous of spirit then the Universe will pay you back in some good way. If you help someone, don't expect them to pay you back necessarily. The reward will come from a different direction, or a different person. In other words you make your own luck. And you can create goodness in the world.

Sometimes people who do evil do not suffer for it. That is because temptation is a mighty strong pull. We want to cheat in life in order to get ahead. We are tempted to be ruthless, too. That's a lesson in life. Play it straight and life will be easier if not more blessed with earthly rewards. Goodness is its own reward. Teach love and abundance.

I don't believe in organized religion because it twists simple truths around and plays upon guilt and fears that we all have. I do believe that in one way or another, we are all praying to the same God. I don't believe in righteousness whether it comes from the preacher in the pulpit or the businessman laughing with a fat belly, or the man with a gun.

As Dr. Deepak Chopra said on the Colbert Report, it is no longer the survival of the fittest but the survival of the wisest. Don't live like a retard, spread your wings and fly. Live unafraid. Peace.


Monday, January 01, 2007

The Best New Year

So far, the new year is going very well. I don't have a hangover because I didn't drink last night. I decided to stay in because my Mom had to go to the hospital by ambulance, they won't tell me why. But when I talked with her last night, on the phone, she was home and in good spirits. She said she felt much better. Such a relief!

My diet, so far, is going well, although I feel hungry. Maybe another drink of water would help. I am on a new mission, I am giving away old clothes to the local radio station that is taking them down to Mexico to the poor people there. I have six bags already and I haven't even gotten to my son's stuff, yet. Oh, I am such a pack rat. I am terrible. I realize it when I am trying to clear stuff out! But I am giving away lots of warm and clean clothes, sweaters, sweatshirts, T-shirts that are new. I only wish that I had blankets to give them. For blankets, I think it is best to go buy a new one than to give an old one. What if the people they give it to are allergic to cats?